My Journey from the Beginning

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My journey is a long and hard one. There are many of us who have been to the depths of despair and back. This is my journey and how I overcame the hardships of the life that was handed to me. Welcome to my very first podcast. Please join me for future podcasts as I learn more about podcasting as well as learning about the world around you and me. My journey is now our journey together to being truly happy with where we are in life. Catch you n the flip side.

2 thoughts on “My Journey from the Beginning

  1. Hi Krissie, I will enjoy your podcasts! Talking about being in bed with covers over your head reminded me of a woman I knew. We were in Overeaters Anonymous together, many years ago. On the first meeting I met her, she talked about being so depressed (about being overweight and tons of other issues) she had gone to bed….planning to just die there. She was very serious, and she spent several days in bed, just waiting….to die. She was fairly healthy and I remember thinking how long would it take, would she of died of starvation? Can you just will yourself to die? Then, she said, she got really mad, at how long it was taking….and just got up and went about her usual existence. Down the road, we had talked, and even laughed at the picture of her lying in bed, waiting for death. She didn’t have the patience to go that way. So, eventually, one by one, she got through several of her issues and even lost some weight. She endured, and was given a new hope for life.

    • I love what you ended with, “She endured, and was given a new hope for life”. That is exactly what I am saying. Sometimes we just have to endure it and somewhere at the end we will make it through and be stronger for having to endure such hardships.

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