Podcasts & Me

Hmm, Well, I am sure you have realized by now I have not posted a podcast in a long while. I realized it is just not me. I am not comfortable doing them, my brain doesn’t think fast enough, I truly do not have the gift of gab. I am more of a straight-to-the-point type of person. For me to talk for 30 minutes straight was really hard and I just do not like to do podcasts. I much rather write an article and post some pictures and videos. So I have decided to do just that!

I also am going to add another element to my blog. I am going to take you with me on a journey of recovery. I am going to backtrack to the beginning as well as take you to where I am today! When I was going through the onset of being broken, I wrote down some of my thoughts as well as photographs of what was going on during this time of recovery. I thought I would post some of those writings and pictures/videos if available.

I am hoping by doing this I can inspire someone out there who is going through what I have had to go through. Even though I was never alone on this journey, I had my family and friends, it still felt as if I was all alone and I was so terribly lonely and sad. I felt I could not share those feelings because I either didn’t want to bring others around me down or want them to get tired of me complaining. So I shut up, sucked it up, put on a smile 99% of the time, and jotted down some of my feelings.

I really hope you find this helpful to know you are not alone and the feeling of loneliness in the midst of being surrounded by people or being angry at God or even your family or even at yourself is OK! You too can get through this.

No 2 people are alike in their injuries or illness and I am not a medical professional by any means. So I am not saying my steps to recovery are the exact steps you should take. What I am saying is I am here to show you how I got out of a wheelchair, walker, cane, and scooter, got out of a full blow state of depression, got away from being angry at God, and stepped away from the thought that I just wanted God to take me home NOW! This is my journey to getting as much of myself back as I possibly can.

Yes, I will be backtracking and posting my journal writings and pictures from as close to the beginning as I possibly can. I wish you all the best in your journey and I want to hear from you if something inspires you! Just remember to be careful with any physical exercise you do, get your doctor’s permission, and try to stay positive. There is ALWAYS a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I know because I found mine!

What the Heck is CBD?

CBD oil is a Controversial subject around our nation. Our friends, family, Government officials and even our doctors do not understand what it is and whether or not there are real benefits from this medicinal drug.  In this podcast I will be discussing what CBD is and is not as well as my experience and my opinion with using it.

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Meditation-What Is It?

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Meditation. What is it? What is it not? In this episode, we are going to take a look at the value of meditation in our lives. We will take a glance at a couple of different types of meditation and how to do them. We will look at meditation from a religious and nonreligious way as well. Does it have to be a metaphysical thing???

The Blame Game

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It was his fault. It is my fault! It is God’s fault! Yep, the blame game. We have all done it, but ultimately we are in charge of the thoughts that go through our head and how we react to situations. Yes, you can blame your husband, wife, mother, father the rest of your life and be very unhappy. Or maybe we can let go of the blame and take responsibility for our own actions and feelings.


Party Here, Party There! I am Drained!

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Do social situation drain you? Yes, I know how this feels. Being big boned and especially being broken, it can make these parties and social gathering impossible. There are times I just want to say no way am I going  In this episode, I will take you through the 6 different ways I am able to get through those draining social gathering.

My Journey from the Beginning

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My journey is a long and hard one. There are many of us who have been to the depths of despair and back. This is my journey and how I overcame the hardships of the life that was handed to me. Welcome to my very first podcast. Please join me for future podcasts as I learn more about podcasting as well as learning about the world around you and me. My journey is now our journey together to being truly happy with where we are in life. Catch you n the flip side.

Welcome to Big Boned And Broken


Welcome to Big Boned and Broken, where amazing things happen. We are going to walk this pilgrimage of being big-boned and broken together learning how to sincerely be happy with where we are in life right now. We will deal with subjects such as exercise, being big-boned, how to feel better even though we are broken, dealing with other people’s opinions of us, and even some instruments I have used to either deal with pain, brokenness, or my weight as well as much more. I will also be documenting my Journal pages through the years of my recovery from being broken. Come and join me in being truly happy in our Big Boned and Broken journey together.