I thought I would take a moment and share with you something I have been reading a lot about lately so I went out and bought a product to try out and thought I would share it here with you.
I have always been an advocate of icing your eyes to reduce puffiness, but I have been seeing a lot of articles and IG posts regarding icing the entire face. They say it helps to constrict the blood vessels which reduces inflammation. OK, I knew that already from icing my eyes and wounds over the years.
But then I have read that it can help reduce the effects of a rash and sunburns and even help reduce the redness of acne. That’s pretty cool, but I don’t get sunburns and I don;t have acne. It is also great for headaches and migraines. This I knew. I am a migraine and cluster headache sufferer and I have used ice packs over the years to ease a headache. But what really got me to try the face icing was the fact I have read that it can help your face products absorb better into the face and reduce the signs of aging. Hmmm, now I have always thought that using heat by opening the pores was the way to get the products into the first few layers of skin. But I am learning it is the heat of the shower, putting the face products on, then icing that will help to sink those products into more layers of your skin. And as far as the anti-aging, well, at my age, who doesn’t want to reduce a little bit of the signs of aging. So I figured I would never put an ice cube to my face so why not try a cold facemask?!
I found this face mask which also came with a set of eye patches. Shoot for a whopping $9 I figured I couldn’t beat the price and I know for sure I would at least use the eye masks. Here is a link to them:
So one of the things I really like about this set I purchase is the fact you get a 2 for 1 at a really great price. But I love the effects of this mask. One side of the facemask is like a velvety type material that defuses the freezing cold, while the other is a typical soft icepack plastic. It also has two straps that go around your head so I can use it standing, sitting or lying down. That is very convenient. The eye masks are just 2 discs that you place on your eyes while laying down. But I will say, I have tried them under the facemask while sitting and that works as well.
I have been using them every day for a little over a week since writing this article. I pull them out of the freezer and place them on my face every morning after my shower and my face creams. Then, while they are doing their magic, I get dressed, shoes, deodorant, etc.. I only leave them on for about 10 minutes while I am getting ready. Then back into the freezer they go.
A side note worth mentioning here is if you put them in the freezer, using the plastic side does not shield you from the intense cold. I use the fuzzy side when I put them in the freezer and I use the plastic side when I use them in the refrigerator. I am torn about which cooling effect I like better. the freezer is great, but the mask is stiffer. While the fridge leads to a more pliable mask, it does warm up fast.
I have to admit, I was amazed that I was getting better saturation of my face cream. At first, I thought it was because of the fuzzy material so I flipped the mask over and used the plastic side for a couple of days and got the same results. WOW! That was great. I have also noticed less puffiness around my eyes and face in general. Now I am not a dermatologist nor a beauty blogger, but this thing is my new friend and daily routine. Do I think it is worth the $9? Yup, I sure do.
If you are interested in trying the facemask I bought click here. Have you ever used face icing? How do you do it? Give me a comment either here, FB, IG, or Youtube and let me know your thoughts on face icing.
We all get the feeling of being depressed from time to time. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are clinically depressed.
Those of us with BBAB bodies can get these feelings of being down, sad, depressed etc a lot. Especially since we are in pain everyday-all day. Pain can really bring you down. And if you have the added bonus of being over 50 and a BBAB body, then you know all too well the added stresses of aging can add to this down in the dump feeling.
I am not a psychologist. I certainly do not have the magic answer to why this happens or how to completely make it go away. But I do know what has worked for me over the years and I figure it might just work for you. Take what you want and leave the rest. And if you have a way of making the sad feeling go away that I did not mention, let me know. I am always willing to learn something new and try it for myself!
Let’s first hit on the difference between sadness and depression.
Sadness every single human being in the entire world gets. It can be environmental, situational, or just even mental. But it is short-term and will go away within a few hours or sometimes days, depending on the reasons. While depression is a very long-term illness and is not to be dealt with lightly. It can compromise our jobs, school, relationships, and even our day-to-day function. So let me make sure you understand we are not talking about clinical depression here today but an overall state of sadness that most of us would call depression.
I have 10 things that I do when I get down. Sometimes I will go for it and do them all, while other times 1 or 2 will do just fine to bring me out of my mood.
#1: Put away social media for the day. We all know and have read how social media plays on our brains to want more, feelings of inadequacy, it causes our memory to be poor, and can actually lead to feelings of depression or sadness. So put the phone and computer away for the day or even a few hours if you are one to spend a ton of time on social media. If you can, do it for a small extended period of time like 3 or 4 days.
#2: Get some sun. We should be getting 15 or more minutes of direct sun every day. But most of us are cooped up sitting all day behind a computer. If you’re feeling down go hug a tree, smell some flowers, watch the bees buzz for 15 minutes and see if that sun on your face, back and the head doesn’t make you feel like singing “The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Music”.
#3: Smile. Everyone you see, including your own reflection, smile at them all. Yes, even if they do not smile back. You see when you smile your brain lets off neuropeptides, dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. These are things that help with stress, sadness, and even pain. So go smile in the mirror.
#4 & #5: Meditate for 5 minutes while breathing deeply. This step is really two things. You can do them separately, but I have found when I combine them I get the most benefit. One day I will go into more information about meditation but for now, I just want to say that this is not some praying to the universe or sitting on a pillow for 4 hours chanting. If you are into any of those things, then that is great for you, but for those of you who are not, this is just about laying down, relaxing, and focusing on the feeling of breathing. Sounds funny, but it works. And yes, your mind will wander, but come back to how the deep breathing feels in your nose, or in your chest, or the rise and fall of your belly. You can, if you want, repeat a word like calm or relaxed while doing this. Sometimes if my brain is really active I will do that, but most of the time I just focus on the rise and fall of my belly and the space in between the in-breath and out-breath. Do this for about 5 to 10
minute and you will feel refreshed and happier. And if you cannot lay down, sit comfortably, and if you can lean your head on a wall so you are relaxed. But if you feel like you are going to fall asleep crack open your eyes just a tiny bit to let some light in.
#7: Do 3 things you love to do today. Maybe that means spending some time with a favorite person. I know that a lot of the time it is people who make us disappointed which in turn makes us sad and feel underappreciated or not loved. But everyone has that one person that makes them feel good. Or maybe you like to draw, sing, color a coloring book, take a drive, play with makeup, or bake cookies. Whatever it is, do 3 things you love!
#8: Learn something new. Now, this does not mean you have to go to school. It could mean you read an article, read a good how-to book, listen to a podcast or grab a magazine and learn how to cook a new meal tonight. When we stop learning new things our brain goes into a feeling of uselessness. When we learn new things we have the feeling of wanting to share our newfound knowledge which in turn perks us up.
#9: Be spontaneous. How about helping a stranger. Buy a homeless person a taco, tell the guy at the drive-thru window you will pay for the car behind you if you see someone struggling getting something off a shelf get it for them. Try a new restaurant for lunch. Or maybe you grab a co-worker’s hand and dance in the middle of the office for 2 minutes. Anything that is fun, exciting, or helpful that is out of the ordinary for you. Watch how you smile the rest of the day!
#10: Exercise. Uugghh! Yes, I went there! I know this sucks, but you know I am right. Exercise fills those endorphin needs as we talked about earlier with smiling. It does not have to be hardcore, but maybe go in your yard and throw the ball and chase your dog for 10 minutes, walk around your block. Do you want something easier? Park at the farthest parking stall in a parking lot, take the stairs at work, etc. I know what you’re saying “But I cannot walk that far”. OK, then walk in the place, swing your arms while sitting in your chairs, stand up and just swish those hips, dance, etc. Anything to get your body moving will help. 5 minutes to 10 minutes or whatever time you have.
I ended with exercise because this is my #1 way I feel happiest. My daily hiking and yoga takes me to a different world away from everything that bothers me and makes me the happiest I can be. If I start my day with this I know for sure I will, at least, start my day happy. As my environment and body break down, yes the stresses of the day get me down, but that is when I pull out the other 9 things to try to make me feel happier.
I hope this helps you a little bit. And please don’t get me wrong, there are days I will wallow in my sadness, but almost every day I try to pick myself up and make myself happy. Let me know what you think and if there are some other things you have tried that work for you. Go forth and be happy! 🙂
Someone on Instagram Direct Messaged me asking about my trekking poles. They wanted to know why I would decide to keep my hands from being free and what the benefits are to me for using them. So I decided to take that question and write a post for others out there who might be interested in trekking poles, why I use them, and how to choose them. So here we go.
There are many pros and even a few cons to using trekking poles for your hikes and even neighborhood walks. I thought I might list a few here for you. Let’s start with the Pros…
First off and the most important to me is they take the strain off my knees and ankle joints. When you hike, especially downhill, there can be a huge amount of pressure on the knees and ankles and my poles allow me to transfer some of that pressure to them. They also take an ENRMOUS amount of pressure off my back. I just took a hike without them in my last IG Video post and let me tell you, my back was aching that evening and well into the next day. By allowing me to transfer some of the work to the poles (and by keeping my posture in alignment) either uphill or downhill, they take an extreme amount of pressure off my joints and allows me to hike longer and farther. I have noticed a huge difference in the quality and the length of my hikes since I purchased my poles.
My trekking poles help me to go faster. Wait. What? OK, with the poles they help me to maintain a good pace therefore, I usually end up going at a faster pace. The hike I took without the poles, my average mile was 40 minutes (hills) but with the poles, I average 25-30 minute miles. I would say that is a huge difference. I am not one to care much about my time, but 10-15 minutes per mile can mean the difference between getting tired while hiking and being tired while hiking. Get it?
Balance baby! Because I have broken every joint in the lower half of my body and have really screwed up my back, I do not have the greatest balance! When you are trekking up some of these rocky trails, balance is a huge issue. You need to have it or else this is when accidents can happen and on some of the trails I hike some really bad accidents could occur.
Trekking poles are a full-body workout. When I use them, especially going uphill, I really dig those spikes into the dirt and use my arms to help pull me up those hills. This gives my arms, shoulders, pectoral muscles, and even my obliques a good workout. The first few times I used my sticks my upper body really felt it. I was sore as if I had worked out at the gym. I remember getting up the next day asking myself why in the world my chest was aching. Trekking poles baby!
Animal Control is another huge reason to use them. There have been many occasions I have had to steer off another dog from coming up to Raven (my dog). Usually, those strange dogs are either on one of those retractable leashes (can’t stand those) or have an owner who thinks all dogs need to be friends. I have put the pole in between my dog and the other hikers’ dog. It scares them which in turn keeps them away…every time. And I am pretty sure it would work on wild animals. Thank God I have not had the opportunity to try the wild animal theory out.
Lastly, they are great for backpackers. I have not had the chance to use them for this either, but they can be used as tent poles. Hmm, go figure. Plus if you hike in the winter in ice (I’m in Southern Calif) then they can help you to break up ice on the trails. OK, well those last two, I have not used them for, but I have read this to be the case.
In a very quick and simple nutshell, trekking poles, which you will hear me say hiking or walking sticks or even hiking or walking poles, assist me in walking by giving me stability, reduce the strain on my back, and joints, help me to hike faster and farther, give me the balance I need on the hills, and ward off other animals.
So what are the cons? Well, there are a few and the most obvious one is your hands are not free. If you need to do a hand-over-hand climb on a really rocky trail, the poles obviously are in the way. That is one reason why you would want to get telescoping or folding poles. This way you can put them in your pack to free up your hands.
The cost can be REALLLLLLY expensive. I have seen poles in the $500 range. Yes, you read this correctly. Crazy!!!!. But you really don’t need to spend a ton of money. Especially if you are just starting out. As long as they are of decent quality, you can get some for as little as $40. Those extremely expensive ones, I feel, are more for backpackers and people who have a good amount of money to throw around. I am not saying that they are not worth the money, but I have had mine for two years and they have held up through some serious abuse! Including banging them as hard as I can on the ground to scare off snakes!
There are several types of poles. I am not going to go into an exhausted list of what to buy, but I want to give you a simplified rundown. There are Aluminum and Carbon Fiber poles. Carbon is lightweight and is a durable fiber reinforced plastic. A lot of hikers like them because they are tremendously lightweight. Carbon tends to be a bit pricy! Aluminum is also pretty lightweight but they are exceptionally durable and tend to be much more affordable for the average hiker. I prefer Aluminum because they are much more affordable than carbon fiber yet have the durability a big-boned hiker needs.
There really are only three types of poles, telescoping, fixed, foldable. Well, there are also the fixed wooding hiking sticks. But we won’t really go into that. They are on a whole different level than trekking poles. I’m going to start with fixed trekking poles. I truly do not recommend these. They would have to be at the perfect height for them to work properly and honestly, they are more like a ski pole than a trekking pole. If you truly want a fixed pole, go pick up a wooded hiking stick. That, in my opinion, is a much better option and will last you forever compared to a fixed trekking pole. The foldable poles are nice because they fold down to a very small package and these fit nicely into your backpacks. They’re also good for travel because of their compactness. By my favorite is the telescope poles. these allow me to fully adjust them to the height I need for the hiking I am doing. If I am going up a really steep hill, I can make them shorter to help me out. If I am on a flat trail, I can adjust for that. I like the versability of telescoping poles.
Now for the handles, there are three popular types. Cork, foam, or rubber handles. Rubber handles are very affordable and very durable, but when you get sweaty they tend to slip and they can really cause some nasty sores. Foam handles tend to be the most comfortable, but they break down super fast. Whereas cork you have the best of all the worlds. They are extraordinarily durable, comfortable on sweaty hands, and are pretty affordable. But honestly, the best advice is to get a pair of weight lifting or hiking gloves. It cushions the hands, allows for a great grip, and keeps the sun off the hands. My Favorite ones are These pretty floral ones. Great cushion and since they are leather (sorry Mr. moo moo) they are going to last a long time.
As you can see there are a lot of choices out there. But honestly, there is no right or wrong choice. It really depends on you. What is your preference? What do you like, what feels good, and what can your pocketbook afford? I have the telescoping, aluminum poles with cork handles. I chose this combination for my hiking poles because I wanted something extremely lightweight but also was sturdy enough to bear my weight. Remember I am a plus-size woman so they need to be durable. I did not want them to give out just when I need them most. And for the very same reason, I chose the poles that collapse into themselves, telescope, instead of folding because after checking them out in the store I felt they were just more sturdy. Now for the grip, I have to say that cork is going to be the better choice. Rubber is uncomfortable and foam won’t last very long on the trails. Cork will last a very long time. Well, 2 years so far on mine and not a worn down spot on them yet!
One last thing I want to mention is rubber caps. Please make sure whatever poles you choose to purchase come with at least 1 set of rubber caps that will cover the carbide tips. This is important for two reasons. If you decide to use these walking on concrete, you will definitely need them. Otherwise, your poles will slip on the smooth surface and you could damage whatever pavement or wood you are walking on. Also when storing or transporting your poles, in some cases, having the tips can protect whatever you are storing them in.
So now you ask, which ones do I have or I like? I am going to give you some links to some of the ones I like. And yes I will give you some affordable ones. I am not one to spend tons of money on gear. Especially since I know, in this case, it may not make a huge difference if you spend $0 or $140. But you should go to your local camping stores like REI or even Target or Walmart and put your hands on the grips and play around. You don’t have to buy them right away, but at least you will get the touchy-feely thing out of the way. And you can decide which grip or type of pole you like.
Below are a few of my favorite poles.
Good luck to you. I hope this post helps you to make the decision to use trekking poles or not and gives you a few good choices to choose from. Look for more posts on hiking and yoga gear.
Just a few shots at our mountain. AllTrails said 35% grade. Eesshh!
Holy Cow, we did it! Yesterday, if you have been following me, I went on a hike and found a really steep mountain I wanted to climb. I tried a portion of it and got scared because I was alone and headed back. But I knew I was going to conquer that hill if it was the last thing I did. Well, why not the very next day.
Last night I texted my girlfriend Kathy who hikes with me 1 or 2 times a week. I asked her if she was going to hike with me tomorrow and she said sure. I also asked her if she wouldn’t mind if we did harder than our normal hikes, and again she said yes! Whoo-hoo! Now I had a partner to go down and back up this mountain and be there in case something happened and I needed help. I went to bed feeling ecstatic in anticipation for the next morning. I arose at 5 am feeling ready to go, did my morning yoga session, and off I went to the park.
When we got to the park before we even set foot in Santiago Oaks Regional Park I asked her if she was OK with about a 35-40% trail grade and she agreed so off we went. When we got to the top of the trail, I think she did a triple take and was a little nervous about it even though she did not say it. We discussed how just 7 months ago, I would have never even contemplated doing a trial like this. I did not have good balance or footing and my fear would have overtaken the hike. As a matter of fact, we did a trial, Grasshopper, that was a pretty good grade and very rocky once at the beginning of the year and I almost had a heart attack doing it. I was terrified and vowed NEVER again!
Well, that never is here. Kathy and I took on Peralta Hills Trail going down very gingerly and slowly making sure every step was secure and firm. It took us probably a little longer than a nimble, not big or broken 20 years old would do, but we got to the bottom of that huge hill. As we meandered further along the trail we were keeping a close eye on the time. I wanted to give us double the amount of time it took us to come down to go back up. I wanted to make sure Kathy was able to get back to her car so she could get to work on time.
Once we were good ways down the trail it was time to turn around. Yeah, that is when the reality of what we had to do to get back to our cars set in. Yup, we had to climb that hill. So off we go. I have to be honest, it was not as bad as I ever thought it would have been. Going down was way scarier and harder. Thank God for my trekking pole. They help me so much with balance and keeping that firm footing on the path as well as giving me a full-body workout while I hike. Poor Kathy she does not have a pair.
Anyway, about 1/4 of the way up Kathy started feeling sick in the tummy. It was time to stop! Unfortunately, she was dehydrated and overheated. She had not hydrated up the night before or that morning. You see when you hike, run, or whatever in this kind of California summer/fall heat, it is so important to drink plenty of water the day before and then drink at the extreme very least 8oz when you get up an hour before the hike. Anyway, I told her to sit right there in the middle of the path, drink, and cool off! I had some extra iced water for my dog (clean water) and I poured some over her head and gave her some to drink as well. We actually had a nice cyclist stop and ask if everything was ok and if we needed help. Aww, most of the people I meet on the trails are so nice. Then we proceeded to watch this guy go down this ridiculous steep mountain at a speed that made my tummy start hurting!
Once we got her tummy and legs feeling a bit better we headed back up. Now I have trekking poles and my girlfriend does not, so unfortunately there were a few spots she had to use her hands to get up that hill. I am very grateful for my poles because my hands stayed clean-ish.
It was the most exhilarating climb I have had on these trails since I started back to hiking mid 2020. When we got to the top I stood there looking out and then I could not help myself. I put my arms high up in the air and screamed “WooHoo”! The rest of the hike was just basic, nothing too hard, but the whole way back to the car I was smiling. I (we) had achieved something I never thought I could do. We both felt so accomplished and able. Even as I write this I am still on a hiker’s High!
I am glad I decided to start sharing some of my hikes with you all. It has made me realize just how much I have accomplished in such a very short time. Especially since I am going backward and writing out my journal from early on in my journey. You can check out some of those posts on the category called My Journals.
Let me tell you if I can do it so can you! I mean obviously, you have to start at whatever level you are at, but just start. I have another girlfriend who is an ironwoman and runs miles and miles. And I realized one day when I was looking at her post and wishing I could hike and be able to keep up with her that she, at some point in her life, started out small as well. She did not go out the gate running 30 miles a day, right? And that is what I have learned from my experience with these hills I am hiking.
About 1 1/2 years ago I was on a scooter for most things that required any amount of walking including the grocery store. I would have never been able to walk the entire OC VegFest like I did last weekend. I was not able to go to Costco and walk the entire store without a scooter. Shoot I wasn’t able to stand and cook a full meal without sitting down every 5 minutes. And NEVER would I have been able to climb the mountain I climbed today!
Yes, I still use my scooter sometimes when I have problems standing still in long lines or anything that required lots of hard concrete walking like Knotts or Disney, but just look at what one step at a time haS done for me? I have come from quitting teaching choir because I could not handle the pain of 3 hours of teaching to hiking a 35% grade mountain. One step at a time has changed my life and It can do it for you as well! All you have to do is start and not expect your body to do what it used to do before your illness or injury. You want to start hiking and live near me, contact me. let’s do it TOGETHER!
BTW, when I say we hiked an hour I meant just an hour going down. We hiked another hour+ going back up.
This morning I decided I wanted to take a new trail on my hike. Raven and I went one way and realized it led to my normal trail up to Robber Roust so I turned around and went back to take a new trail, Peralta Hills. I knew from when I walk inside the main park this was a tough trail, but I wanted to see what it was like from up top! This trail started out lovely with a nice lookout point and bench at the top. BUT as I kept proceeding, I realized that this was an extremely steep and rocky hill. Today was not the day to try it out.
I went down a portion on the very rocky steep path with about a 45% grade. Sheesh! I went maybe a couple of hundred feet down and proceeded to turn around. I got scared!!! When the trail is this steep and rocky I like to have someone with me, just in case. This is one trial I will do, but I want to do it with someone. This way if I fall, twist an ankle, or just can’t get my butt up that hill, I can have some help.
At first, I was bashing myself, inside of my head. Telling myself I was not accomplishing my goal, I am never going to be able to do it, I can’t climb this steep hill, etc. All the negative thoughts I have usually in my head about myself! But then I realized this was silly. Look at what I am doing. I am out on the trails. Even my back Dr. is amazed at what I am doing. I am exercising 4-5 days a week, I got my hind side out of bed this morning and even though my ankle was aching, I still got out to the trails. OK, Kristin, tomorrow I will attach this hill and master it!
The reason I am telling you all this? I want to help you realize it is ok to stop once in a while. It is ok to have fear. It is OK to turn around. The problems come when you repeatedly do it over and over and never go back to try it again. You never push yourself to perpetrate more, always telling yourself you’re a failure!. If I would have given up the very first time I took a hike on a steeper hill and never came back to it, where would I be today? Not stronger. Not healthier, Not having more endurance. And certainly not accomplished! Yes, accomplished. I may not be doing 25-mile hikes, but for my body, my size, my injuries, my handicap, I am accomplished. Should I, can I, will I do more? You bet!
So on those days where you have more aches and pains than a normal day, your body is screaming at you from the get-go, but you still head out to the gym, the trail, the walk around the block, it is OK to take it slower, to only do some, and if necessary to stop and turn around and head back. Just make sure you lace up those boots tomorrow and head back and NEVER give up entirely. Never tell yourself you are not able to accomplish whatever goal you set. And NEVER let the fear and negative self-talk take completely take over and rule your goals!
This is a 360 view of the OCVegan Fest Use your mouse or fingers to view it in it’s entirety
Some of you may know that I am a pescatarian/vegetarian. I went from a meat-eater to a vegan right after Easter 2012. I was feeling bad all the time, always had an upset tummy, sluggish. I had done some research on different ways of eating to make my tummy feel better and decided since I was not a huge meat lover anyway, trying veganism couldn’t be that hard. Well, I was wrong, going from meat 3x a day to nothing was not an easy task. Not hard to stop eating meat, but hard to figure out what to cook.
Anyway, after about 2 months of trying to figure it out, reading, reading, and more reading, I decided to go more of a vegetarian lifestyle with eggs and cheese now and then. Plus I had to think of my family. All three of them were vigorous meat-eaters. Well, eventually, I decided to add fish back into my diet. I am a massive fish lover. I grew up eating squid, clams, trout, salmon, etc. I could eat it 24/7. Now I only eat it when we eat out or 1X a week at home. So that is, in a very brief nutshell, how I went from meat-eater to pescatarian/vegetarian and I feel my best when I stick to very little eggs, no milk, and a little cheese and lots of colorful vegetables with some fish 1 or 2 times a week. My tummy feels better too. And the best thing, my family (even though they won’t admit it) feels better too without all that meat! But this article is not supposed to be about my eating habits…LOL.
After a very long wait, the OCVegan Fest is back. They actually changed their location and it is better. And let’s not confuse this with the SoCal Veg Fest which is 10X the size and happens only 1x a year. This is a small hometown (Santa Ana) one time a month food fest that happens in a nearby town to where I live.
I am so grateful that they are back. The food is Out Of This World delicious. If you have never tried vegan food, you don’t know what you are missing. My husband and I decided to have the Franks. I never was a huge Hot Dog fan when I ate meat (except when we were really broke), but these sausage dogs are the absolute best. OMGsh! There were also tamales, tacos, fresh-squeezed flavored lemonades, faux chicken and burgers, of course, fries, salads, shoot, you name it, they had it. My only complaint about the whole thing is they had about 4 tables with a tent over it and the rest were in the direct sun. For next month I am hoping they will bring out more tents, at least until it cools down.
On the other side of the fair were several traders selling their wares. It is always fun to look at what people are selling. Some of the products were crystals, homemade clothing, tie-dyed T’s, Mexican wrestling masks, vegan purses, jewelry, and more. I do hope since they are back the vendors will start wanting to come and sell and that as time goes on, there will be more and more vendors selling their goodies! it is fun to look at all the handiwork and buy the stuff you don’t really need and sometimes really need! LOL
The other thing is this is very dog friendly. My only complaint, it is on blacktop and only one tent for shade. It was a bit too hot for my all-black coated pooch. While we were eating, I shoved her under the table with some water to keep her cool. That worked well, but my poor shoulders got a bit of a beating while we were listening to some great music and munching on our lunch.
Overall, I am so glad we went. We had a great lunch and spent a couple of hours looking around, eating, and then strolling some of the shopping on the main shopping street in Santa Ana. If you are in or around the area, I highly suggest you check out the links above or below for them and come visit next month. They hold it every month. Hope to see you there next month!
Hmm, Well, I am sure you have realized by now I have not posted a podcast in a long while. I realized it is just not me. I am not comfortable doing them, my brain doesn’t think fast enough, I truly do not have the gift of gab. I am more of a straight-to-the-point type of person. For me to talk for 30 minutes straight was really hard and I just do not like to do podcasts. I much rather write an article and post some pictures and videos. So I have decided to do just that!
I also am going to add another element to my blog. I am going to take you with me on a journey of recovery. I am going to backtrack to the beginning as well as take you to where I am today! When I was going through the onset of being broken, I wrote down some of my thoughts as well as photographs of what was going on during this time of recovery. I thought I would post some of those writings and pictures/videos if available.
I am hoping by doing this I can inspire someone out there who is going through what I have had to go through. Even though I was never alone on this journey, I had my family and friends, it still felt as if I was all alone and I was so terribly lonely and sad. I felt I could not share those feelings because I either didn’t want to bring others around me down or want them to get tired of me complaining. So I shut up, sucked it up, put on a smile 99% of the time, and jotted down some of my feelings.
I really hope you find this helpful to know you are not alone and the feeling of loneliness in the midst of being surrounded by people or being angry at God or even your family or even at yourself is OK! You too can get through this.
No 2 people are alike in their injuries or illness and I am not a medical professional by any means. So I am not saying my steps to recovery are the exact steps you should take. What I am saying is I am here to show you how I got out of a wheelchair, walker, cane, and scooter, got out of a full blow state of depression, got away from being angry at God, and stepped away from the thought that I just wanted God to take me home NOW! This is my journey to getting as much of myself back as I possibly can.
Yes, I will be backtracking and posting my journal writings and pictures from as close to the beginning as I possibly can. I wish you all the best in your journey and I want to hear from you if something inspires you! Just remember to be careful with any physical exercise you do, get your doctor’s permission, and try to stay positive. There is ALWAYS a light at the end of a very dark tunnel. I know because I found mine!
CBD oil is a Controversial subject around our nation. Our friends, family, Government officials and even our doctors do not understand what it is and whether or not there are real benefits from this medicinal drug. In this podcast I will be discussing what CBD is and is not as well as my experience and my opinion with using it.
We are going to explore the guiding principle to life. The Golden Rule! Whatever we wish others to do to us, we do to them. How does this rule apply to our lives and how do we actually apply it? The Golden Rule. Is it only for the Bible thumpers or can it be for everyone alike?
Meditation. What is it? What is it not? In this episode, we are going to take a look at the value of meditation in our lives. We will take a glance at a couple of different types of meditation and how to do them. We will look at meditation from a religious and nonreligious way as well. Does it have to be a metaphysical thing???
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